As an adult hoping to straighten your teeth, you know exactly what you want out of treatment. All that remains is to find the straightening option that meshes with your preferences and needs. Metal braces often fail to meet the expectations adult patients carry. The wires and brackets make it more difficult for you to carry out your daily activities, and hamper your social and professional interactions.
Why not try something more subtle? Adult orthodontics offer treatment that still allows you to smile. You won’t be waiting until your braces are off to show your pearly whites – you’ll be comfortable flashing them throughout the process.
Choosing Adult Orthodontics in Dalton
Making the choice to pursue alternative orthodontic treatment doesn’t need to be a difficult one. Simply evaluate your opinion of standard orthodontic treatment, and all that it entails. Do you find the prospect of wearing metal braces stressful? Are you worried about braces causing a blow to your confidence? Does your job make it impossible for you to wear metal braces and still be taken seriously? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then we recommend learning more about adult orthodontics.
Six Month Smiles
Six Month Smiles follows the same principles as braces, with an emphasis on treatment subtlety and speed. As you may have guessed from its name, Six Month Smiles makes quick straightening a top priority. It targets your front teeth to gently shift the ones involved in your bite. If the rest of your bite is correct, this results in a straighter smile and a proper occlusion.
The ceramic braces are tooth-colored, and won’t stand out against your teeth. Both inconspicuous and fast, orthodontic treatment with Six Month Smiles will have you back to regular life – with a gorgeous smile in place – in no time.

Invisalign treatment employs a series of clear aligner trays to gently move your teeth into new positions. More comprehensive than Six Month Smiles, Invisalign may be right for you even when the 6-month method is not. Invisalign treatment offers all the change associated with braces without the same drawbacks. The plastic aligners are clear, removable, and comfortable, taking the headaches out of straightening.
Invisalign also prioritizes patient independence. While you will still need to visit Barton Dentistry periodically, you’ll be able to switch to many of your new aligners on your own. Dr. Barton will provide you with a detailed schedule of the treatment process so that it’s easy to stay on track.
Am I a candidate for alternative orthodontics?
While countless adults are interested in alternative orthodontics, they’re unfortunately not right for every patient. Your malocclusion will need to follow certain specifications in order for Invisalign or Six Month Smiles to be a success. We would never recommend orthodontic treatment that wasn’t in a patient’s best interest. If your bite demands something more substantial, we will put you in touch with a Dalton area orthodontist.
Is it too late to straighten my teeth?
You may have heard that it’s tough to straighten teeth after adolescence. This is because the jaw bones and teeth solidify and become more firmly seated. But while it can require a little more pressure to straighten adult teeth, it’s never impossible. There’s no age too old for a straighter, more beautiful smile. If you’re interested in gaining the well-aligned teeth that you’ve always wanted, please, get in touch with our office. We’ll determine whether adult orthodontics are right for you, and help you begin your straightening journey.
Dalton Adult Orthodontics | Dalton Orthodontic Treatment | Dalton Orthodontics for Adults