Feel like you’re alone in your anxiety over visiting the dentist’s office? It’s time to take a step back and learn more about the state of dental fear in our nation – and beyond. From reasons

like trauma related to past negative experiences to a fear of needles, it’s tough for thousands of patients to schedule regular exams. New research is discovering that there may actually be  areas of our brain that process dental stimuli differently from other sights and sounds, making it even more difficult to move on.

The first step in unraveling your fear is discovering the root of the problem. This can be a more arduous process than you might expect, but it all starts with a conversation with your dentist. Letting us know that you’re nervous about what’s ahead is the simplest way to receive targeted care that suits your nerves. We’ll also talk through your procedure and any questions you might have ahead of time so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Before your next appointment, check out our helpful infographic below with statistics on dental anxiety worldwide and how many other patients have curbed their nerves. Remember – anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and it’s much more universal than you think. If it’s been holding you back from scheduling regularly, let us know today so that we can help you start moving forward.

Banish Anxiety to love the dentist office


So I Read the Infographic – what’s the next step?

Like we mentioned above, it’s time to start talking about your anxiety. Well you might not need something like therapy, just voicing your thoughts and feelings the next time you’re in the dentist’s office makes a drastic difference to the state of your nerves. Don’t take our word for it – try it for yourself. Click or call to schedule your next exam today, and make sure to let us know that you’re feeling anxious so that we can provide sedation ahead of time if necessary. We look forward to seeing you!

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