Calhoun Botox

Been unhappy with wrinkles near your eyes, forehead, or brows? Botox treatment is simple and effective

Do you feel less than confident about your skin? Wrinkles shouldn’t control you. But you don’t have to resort to complicated or invasive measures to erase facial lines. Calhoun Botox treatment will  smooth lines while keeping your skin looking natural. Dr. Barton has received advanced training in facial injections, and his understanding of the facial musculature makes him an ideal provider.

Just get in touch to schedule a Botox consultation – and read on for some first-time tips. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible before getting started!

First-Time Botox Patient Tips

  • Think about your goals before your appointment – Which lines bother you? What kind of results are you hoping for? How long would you like results to last? Considering your answers to these questions will help you prepare, and better communicate with our staff.
  • There’s no downtime after treatment – The only effects after treatment will be mild soreness on your face, and the first signs of treatment starting to smooth your lines. You’ll be able to get back to work or other activities immediately after your appointment, as long as you avoid vigorous physical activity and don’t rub the treated area of your face.
  • Results will last between 3-4 months, depending on the area – You can expect to see the Botox results active on your face for the 3-4 months after your treatment. If you are happy with the results, you can continue on a treatment schedule that helps keep them consistent. If not, you’ll see them fade after this period.
  • Repeat treatments will lengthen results – If you set up a Botox treatment schedule, you’ll see your treatment results lasting longer. This is because repeat treatments help paralyze the target muscles, long-term.

Still have questions? Let us know!

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